Industry news


Wanhai, a unique data, has been proud of the entire shipping industry this year, and customers who like TA are laughing!
发表时间:2017-12-14     阅读次数:     字体:【

Throughout the international shipping industry, there is a shipping company that has always been unique and model. Ta focuses on its own advantage areas, and achieves the ultimate and best from multiple dimensions of service density, scheduled shift rate and service level. This is Wanhai, a Taiwan-based shipping company.

Therefore, when the industry is thinking about which ship companies have the best quasi-shift rate, which ship companies have the best service level, which ship companies have the best profitability and other three dimensions, besides Oriental and Overseas, Wanhai Shipping has become a must-have option!

Regarding the analysis of this excellent shipping company, Seaway has published an analysis article before:

Look at what the Taiwan Shipping Company of Niu B has done to shocked the industry this time! ___________

Today, according to the exclusive tracking data of Souhai after this year, we can look at another dimension of Wanhai Shipping's arrogant data this year, which will see the unique strategy of Wanhai's unusual walk from another angle.

According to the exclusive tracking data of in the past year, in the environment of the whole shipping industry obsessed with building large ships and expanding capacity, Wanhai has been making a unique way to purchase another lifeblood of container shipping enterprises, namely, to purchase and expand its own container reserves.

From August 11 to November 27 this year, Wanhai has purchased container containers for five times, totaling about 149,850 Teu, with a total investment of $223 million.

Wanhai, a unique data, has been proud of the entire shipping industry this year, and customers who like TA are laughing!

The following are the official announcements of the five purchase containers issued by Wanhai Shipping:

Wanhai, a unique data, has been proud of the entire shipping industry this year, and customers who like TA are laughing!

_On August 11, $75.11 million was invested and 38000 Teu was purchased.

Wanhai, a unique data, has been proud of the entire shipping industry this year, and customers who like TA are laughing!

_On August 14, US$38.56 million was invested to purchase 12,250 containers.

Wanhai, a unique data, has been proud of the entire shipping industry this year, and customers who like TA are laughing!

_On November 9, 11.59 million US dollars were invested and 52300 Teu was purchased.

Wanhai, a unique data, has been proud of the entire shipping industry this year, and customers who like TA are laughing!

_On November 24, $33.12 million was invested and 8,500 cabinets were purchased.

Wanhai, a unique data, has been proud of the entire shipping industry this year, and customers who like TA are laughing!

_November 27, invested $64.61 million to buy 19150 cabinets

With regard to Wanhai's strategy of investing and storing containers in large quantities over the past five months, many senior industry analysts have expressed very high comments, and the following views have been expressed concurrently:

1. As far as the whole industry is concerned, the cost of purchasing containers is relatively low now, and the return on investment of storing own containers will not be lower than ordering container ships at all.

2. Through the purchase of a large number of container ships, Wanhai Shipping will not only take pride in this data this year, but also become the most average and abundant shipping company with its own containers in terms of shipping capacity and container-only ratio of major shipping companies.

3. There are two well-known laws in the international shipping industry:

First, each shipping company can expand its own capacity by purchasing, exchanging and sharing in terms of transport capacity (it is easier and cheaper to obtain external transport capacity in the current situation of excessive supply of transport capacity in the industry and vicious competition among large ships).

Second, shipping companies can sell capacity, share and borrow, but their own containers are non-borrowed goods! (Except for a few rental boxes that are in short supply and have a very good business, and containers like CNC that can be acquired by CMA from its parent company CMA)

Two points of industry law and industry transport capacity status are compared, which is better or worse, one can see at a glance!

Of course, this does not mention the customer experience: no matter in the off-season, can get the cabin can get the container, which will be how bullish, like TA customers should secretly laugh!

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